

Hai everyone!!! how are u today? i hope all of u guys have a good day. So this is my fourth meeting using syam.ok and i could say this week it's   a good meeting because everyone in my group class was share each other about what is the purpose of the assignment and how to finish it. This week has a fewer assignment than last week, so i hope next week has more fewer hehehe 😆😆😆 see u soon on my next blog guys!!!


  Hi everyone, how are you today?  Hopefully all of you who read this journal will always feel good. Alright. So, I want to share what I felt when using the Syam.ok application as a learning medium at this third meeting. This week we have more assignment than last week. Some of our listening assignment has a such a difficult pronunciation because it has a variety of different accents. I hope we've got an easier assignment next week  😆😆😆 See u soon!!!


  This is the second blog I have written.  Hello everyone! I wanna tell you about my second meeting with syam.ok unlike last week, on the first blog I only wrote down what I felt using the syam.ok application now I will write down my second experience using this application and the features in it as my learning media in one of the courses on my campus.  There were many twists and turns. Honestly, I had a lot of trouble doing that task, the difficulty this week was bigger than last week's difficulty where I only created an account on the application. Not because the material is difficult but how to use the application.  Maybe I need to learn more like my other friends.  So, that's all I want to say on this blog.  The key is only one, read more!  See you soon!


Hi guys!!! My name is Muhammad Fakhrizal Tata u can call me Fakhri i am 19 years old. Well there is little story about my meeting class IIEC LISTENING subjects in syam-ok by using bigbluebutton at 17 september 2020. I was very confused with the method cause it's my first time.  when I joined the class, I was very surprised that I was the first student in the class to attend the meeting then when i setup my audio, our IIEC Listening lecturer Ms. Novy ask me "what class is this" and i said "B mam" Ms. Novy said "i think this is an A class time" i answer "no mam its the B class time" so Ms. Novy said "alright then call ur friends". When the class has begun some of my friends can't join the meeting because there is some kind trouble in their device so some of us is absent from the class. We haven't officially began the course because it's our first meeting, our IIEC Listening lecturer Ms. Novy telling us how to use syam-ok